Community Restoration and Ritual Experimentation Ronald L. Grimes and Susan L. Scott Below is a conversation between Susan Scott, founder of the award-winning Walkerton Water Stories Project (WWSP), and Ron Grimes, Director of the Ritual Studies Lab. Susan, a writer, and Ron, a ritual studies scholar, contemplate the possibilities for ritual…
The Barn and the Lab
9 February 2023
Ron Grimes
dialoguesethicsillnesslandmetaphor, symbolperformance, play, entertainmentreligion, spiritualityritual, festivalthings, objectswater
Why Endangered Species Need Saints
by Sarah Pike Link to the original. This article was published by Counterpoint Navigating Knowledge on 7 August 2019. With some of my students, I bent down to fill a cup and drink from Saint Gobnait’s holy well in the woods near Ballyvourney, a small town in southern Ireland. We had approached the site by passing through…
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